Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Technical Assistance in Establishing
I.T. Institutions in OIC Member States

The world along with its economy has transformed into an Information Society. This transition is so drastic and rapid that the whole concept of basic human necessities has been changed. Advent of technology predominantly ICTs in daily life is so overwhelming. This raging trend is getting momentum with every passing day. World reached to the stage where every thing from household to highly sophisticated technological setups is operated and controlled by internet. This sudden mega evolution has created a vacuum between production and required number of skilled manpower.

As already lagging behind in scientific education, research and development, it is inevitable to for Islamic world to focus on the establishment of the state of the art institutions of higher education, research and development especially in computer sciences, computer engineering and telecommunication engineering.

INIT feels this need and extends the advice and assistance towards the member state who wants to establish the alike institution and agree for equity contribution of at least one half of the expected probable cost for proposed project amounting in order of at least US $ 1.0 million, for a modest setup. Funding from other sources for the venture is sought on case to case basis beside the equity contribution by host state.

Project will be further perused after thorough consultation with the respective state to address their national need and recourse endowment. It will also be make sure that the subject project must prove to be the forerunner of the leading Institutions of higher learning, specializing not only in IT but also in the related academic and research disciplines.

The institutions thus establish will definitely contribute towards the socio-economic development of the respective member state.

The following are some activities undertaken under this program


  • Feasibility Study for establishment of Institute of Information technology at Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Proposal for initiating Information Technology courses at Pakistan Embassy School at Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Feasibility Study for Establishing Yemen Academy for Information Technology, Republic of Yemen.