Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Two (2) Days International Conference on ‘Contemporary Issues in Information Technology in OIC Member States’ on July 26 – 27, 2005 at Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Pakistan.

INIT convened a 2-day international conference on ‘Contemporary Issues in Information Technology in OIC Member States’. It was held on July 26-27, 2005 at Hotel Marriot Islamabad. The conference was organized in joint collaboration with COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad and Islamic Development Bank.

The main focus of the Conference was on identifying and articulating research and development challenges and forecasting collaborations among practitioners and researchers in key areas and issues in information technology with the OIC system in perspective.

The Conference was a big success in terms of scholarly and intellectual participation and benefit afterwards taken by the organizations from five OIC member states. It comprised of Invited Talks by worthy designators and high officials of states, Research Papers presentation in technical sessions and panel discussions. After the establishment of INIT, this was a notable occasion when the thoughts for betterment and solutions for the issues faced by the OIC states in the field of IT, were discussed and deliberated by the scholars and stakeholders.

Researchers, academicians and practitioners representing following 5 countries delivered 2 key note addresses, 16 research papers along with 2 panel discussions and 4 invited talks.

1. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)

  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Telecommunication Administration.
  • Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

2. Republic of Sudan

  • Sudan University of Science and Technology Khartoum, Sudan.

3. Republic of Azerbaijan

  • Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Govt. of Republic of Azerbaijan.

4. Republic of Gambia

  • Science and Technology Department of State for Education, Republic of Gambia.

5. Islamic Republic of Pakistan

  • Senate of Pakistan.
  • COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad.
  • NUST Institute of Information Technology, Rawalpindi.
  • Bahria University, Islamabad.
Click here for program details